@database 0022a390-0 @master HeddleyCreation @$VER: 1.0 @remark Created with Heddley v1.1 (c) Edd Dumbill 1994 @node "Main" "No title" @{b}BEFORE DARK@{ub} - @{fg shine}256 colors@{fg text} Workbench Patterns @{" Introduction " link "Document_0" 0} - what is 'Before Dark'? @{" " link "Document_1" 0} - explanation of usage Dated: 15th August 1995 @endnode @node "Document_0" " Introduction " @{b}Introduction:@{ub} '@{fg shine}Before Dark@{fg text}' is originaly a package of desktop patterns for Macintosh computer, made by @{fg shine}Craig Marciniak@{fg text}. The set of those patterns is well known to the Mac's users. The 64x64 256 colors patterns were taken from the Macintosh and converted to Amiga IFF. Job was done within 2 hours using ShapeShifter & ADPro. To contact me: internet: polonus@felix.univ.szczecin.pl Have fun using it! @endnode @node "Document_1" " How to use it? " @{b}How to use it?@{ub} Not everyone uses the 256 colors Workbench, and even so, it is unlikely to use exactly the same palettes both on Workbench and selected pattern. There is the only way: rendering the pattern into Workbench colors! @{u}The simple way:@{uu} click on the selected icon to call MultiView. MultiView will render the pattern under the WorkBench colors. The only thing to do is just saving the picture and use then. The only bad thing is that the way of reducing colors used by MultiView is realy simple... @{u}The better way:@{uu} use ADPro, ImageFX or whatever like that to render the pattern for the Workbench with some kind of dithering to simulate lacking colors. After those operations run the WBPattern from Prefs and check new backdrops! @endnode